Sheep at Croftland Farm

Katahdin, Cormo, & Coopworth sheep 

Current Stud Rams

Katahdin - enrolled in NSIP and participating in the GEMS project.

The Katahdins were originally purchased to produce registered replacement stock and to serve as working stock for the training of young Border Collies. They proved to be prolific, highly productive, efficient, and excellent mothers, earning their place as a foundation enterprise on the farm. The breed is ideally suited as the basis for commercial flocks and flocks where no shearing is desired.

IMG 5657 WVF ed     



 WVF 9-467



IMG 5664 Zim ed







IMG 5681 Y901ed2



 FWL Y901





A small flock of Cormo ewes produce a fine, soft yarn suitable for 'next to the skin' wear.



A limited number of purebred Coopworth ewes are kept for the production of raw fleeces, roving, and bright, silky yarn.